Strategy for California’s Outdoors For All Plan
May 19, 2023
The No Toxics Tent Act Passes Senate Floor and Heads to the Governor’s Desk
September 12, 2023Congratulations to Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan for being the author of our first bill to pass out of the Assembly for this session! The No Toxics Tent Act passed out of the Assembly Committee on Appropriations on April 19 and passed Assembly Floor on April 27! Special thanks to Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan’s staffer, Graciela Amezcua, for all of your work on this bill.
• Currently under an outdated code overseen by the Office of the State Fire Marshal, tent manufacturers are required to add flame retardants, known to be toxic to humans. This code was created 45 years ago.
• For our industry, we care that it includes children’s play, backpacking, and camping tents.
• AB 267 seeks to address this issue by changing this standard so flame retardants are not needed in tents with an occupancy of 10 or fewer.
• AB 267 is necessary to ensure a healthy outdoor recreation community and protect the environment from harmful man-made chemicals.
What’s next for AB 267?
The bill will be heard in Senate Committee on Government Organization on June 13 and we will be there. Join our sign-on letter by June 6. To submit your company/organization’s support, please fill out this form here. If you have previously submitted support, you may already be on the letter. To see a copy of the letter, please e-mail Lexie at Lexie@CaliforniaOutdoor.org
We will also be pursuing a potential amendment to include tents with an occupancy of up to 14 or less.